Cara Lain untuk mengatakan .... (Other Ways to say)
Pagi ini saya mendapat email dari blog yang saya ikuti tentang bagaimana cara lain untuk mengatakan selamat pagi dalam bahasa Inggris. Jika selama ini saya hanya tahu mengatakan selamat pagi dengan Good Morning saja ternyata ada juga ungkapan yang lain yang bisa digunakan. Berikut beberapa ungkapan yang bisa kita gunakan:
Other ways to say "Good Morning !"
To your friends and colleagues you can say:
- Hello! How are you?
- Hi! What a lovely morning!
- Hiya! How was your weekend?
- Morning! How’s it going?
- Hey! Long time no see.
- Hi there! What’s up?
- Hi! What’s good?
- Hello! How have you been?
To your children:
- Wakey-wakey! Rise and shine!
The only formal way to greet someone is:
- Good morning!
Other ways to say "No Problem !"
Selain itu ada beberapa cara lain untuk mengatakan No problem ! Berikut penjelasannya
Another way this could be said is, in response to expression of regret, or gratitude when no thanks, or apology is necessary.
Example 1: “Could you help me with
- “Could you help me with this please?” “Sure, no problem”
- “Thank you for helping yesterday” “It was no problem at all”
- You’re welcome (F)
- Sure thing (I)
- No worries (I)
- Cool (I)
- It’s all gravy (I)
- Certainly (F)
- Of course (F)
- That’s absolutely fine (F)
- Don’t mention it (F/I)
- It’s nothing (I/F)
- No probs (I)
- You’re very welcome (F/I)
- It’s my pleasure (F)
- No sweat (I)
Other ways to say "in other words"
- to put it simply,
- what I mean is...
- That is to say...
- What I wanted to say is,
- To clarify,
- Simply put,
Other ways to say "Good Luck"
- Best of Luck !
- Finger crossed!
- Blow them away !
- Break a leg !
- You'll do great !
- I hope things will turn out fine.
Other ways to say "Happy Birthday"
- many happy returns of the day !
- Have a great one!
- I wish you a wonderful birthday!
- I wish you all the best on you special day.
- Have a fabulous birthday !
- Wishing you many more candles to blow.
Other ways to say "You're welcome !"
- no problem!
- of course
- it was nothing
- no worries
- my pleasure
- not at all
- you’re welcome
- don’t mention it
- oh! anytime
- you got it
- glad to help
- prego
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See you !